Sunday, December 28, 2008

Born Bad / Vile Gash / Night of Pleasure

December 28, 2009-

Dave Capaldi (El Jesus) & Nicole


Night of Pleasure

LauraB (Day Creeper)

Rich Horseshit

Wes Flexner & Nicole

Vile Gash

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bernie's Christmas at Carabar

December 25, 2008-

Grabbed some drinks from Lou at Bourbon Street before heading to Carabar...

Lutzko (Unholy 2) sporting a Drunkdriver shirt

Lutzko and Gary (Guinea Worms)

BJ (CDR/Necropolis/Vile Gash) tellin' someone how it is.

Me and Ron (Carabar)

Michael Cash


Beth (Times New Viking)

Andy Ellis